Life on the bright side, au soleil d'Emilie...

A blog about raising my baby girl, about my life as a wife, mum and lazy-eyed-cat owner, and generally about all the little random things which make each day wonderful.

Friday, 29 April 2011

Millie at the Royal Wedding

Silly photos, but nice memories :-)
At Bukingham Palace
On the balcony with the Royal couple
Checking the view from the sky with the RAF
Waving goodbye to Will & Kate

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Here comes the... tat

So that's it. You have waited patiently by the mailbox and even checked with the postman, but you now have to face the very disappointing truth: You - just like Michelle and Barak - are not invited.

Once the initial disappointment has passed, you will soon realise that it will be much more comfortable to watch the Royal Wedding on the TV and then celebrate your extra day off down the pub with your friends. Besides, all you need to be part of Will and Kate's do is readily available. Below are a few "must haves".

From tatty to silly to plain ridiculous, take your pick!

Ever wondered what the royals smell like? Me neither, but in case you are curious, this one is for you:

 Like many, I am very curious of what KM will be wearing. With this sticker book, you can play at dressing them up for their big day.


Even the French are cashing up on the royal nuptials:

 Want to keep up with the Joneses? Well, upstage them at your wedding day BBQ with this impressive fridge. The commercial director for the company selling it reckons that it is a very popular choice. So careful. The Joneses may have one too.

"Ze frigo royal"

Want a souvenir that 'combines the strength of a Prince with the yielding sensitivity of a Princess-to-Be'? There you go. The manufacturers have assured that these are not approved by or supplied to PW or KM. As if we had any doubt it might be the case... 
Les joyaux de la couronne... "Allongez vous et pensez a l'Angleterre"

The royal couple has also been meerkat'ed. Why you may ask. Well, the couple met in St Andrews, where the local zoo have named their dominant meerkat couple William and Kate. That's why. Simples.

 If knitting is not your forte, impress your neighbours with this planter:

But if all of this is a bit too much for you and fills you with nausea and you are just sick of this wedding business, fear not. You too have your piece of memorabilia:

There are however a few pieces which made me laugh, and some I might even be tempted to buy (at a discounted rate after the wedding) for Millie's treasure box:
If the monarchy is not your thing, at least be thankful for the bank holiday!

Something to wear if you are planning to be standing on the Mall tomorrow morning. This Tesco little number should no doubt upstage whatever the bride is planning to wear...

Can also be re-used for any wedding you have been invited to this summer...

And if I really had to get a souvenir, it would have to be these... funny and not too tacky :-)

All jokes aside, I'll be watching tomorrow and put Millie in her best dress for the occasion :-)

Monday, 25 April 2011


Millie est fiere de vous présenter un nouveau membre de notre famille: Son cousin Noam est né le 21 Avril a 11 heures du matin et pese 2,77kg pour 50cm. Félicitations aux heureux parents, vous pouvez etre fiers, il est trop adorable! Voici une photo que son Papa et sa Maman nous ont envoyé, en attendant que nous leur rendions visite la semaine prochaine:

Millie is proud to introduce the new addition to the family: Her cousin Noam was born on Thursday 21 April at 11.00am, weighing a tiny 6 lb 1 for 50cm. Well done to the happy new parents, he is such a cutie pie! Here is a photo the proud parents have sent us, until we meet him in person next week:
Isn't he just gorgeous? Can't wait to meet him!
N'est il pas magnifique? Vivement Samedi!

Black and White

She is beautiful, my girl! Elle est belle ma fille!

Fun with auntie Helen

Helen n'est pas vraiment ma tatie, mais elle adore venir me voir et on s'amuse  beaucoup ensemble! Elle m'apporte souvent des cadeaux (et se fait gronder par Papa!) et elle invente toujours pleins de jeux qui me font rire!
Well, the neighbours probably thought that our garden looked a complete mess, but I think it looks great on photographs! On a bien fait de ne pas tondre les pissenlis la pelouse ce jour la! :-)

Update (2)

Day out in South Wales:


I am so behind with posting! It has been such a busy month with loads of friends visiting and so much sunshine that we spent most of our time outside. Here is a summary in photos!

Fun in the park:  

More fun in another park with  NCT friends:
Sunshine in the garden:

Another day, another park: