Life on the bright side, au soleil d'Emilie...

A blog about raising my baby girl, about my life as a wife, mum and lazy-eyed-cat owner, and generally about all the little random things which make each day wonderful.

Monday, 25 April 2011


Millie est fiere de vous présenter un nouveau membre de notre famille: Son cousin Noam est né le 21 Avril a 11 heures du matin et pese 2,77kg pour 50cm. Félicitations aux heureux parents, vous pouvez etre fiers, il est trop adorable! Voici une photo que son Papa et sa Maman nous ont envoyé, en attendant que nous leur rendions visite la semaine prochaine:

Millie is proud to introduce the new addition to the family: Her cousin Noam was born on Thursday 21 April at 11.00am, weighing a tiny 6 lb 1 for 50cm. Well done to the happy new parents, he is such a cutie pie! Here is a photo the proud parents have sent us, until we meet him in person next week:
Isn't he just gorgeous? Can't wait to meet him!
N'est il pas magnifique? Vivement Samedi!

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