Life on the bright side, au soleil d'Emilie...

A blog about raising my baby girl, about my life as a wife, mum and lazy-eyed-cat owner, and generally about all the little random things which make each day wonderful.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Ernie Cat

Well, it has been pointed out to me that I mention my lazy eye cat in my blog profile, but that the poor thing has not had a mention yet. To be perfectly honest, this is a reflection of the turn life has taken. Ernie was (and still is!) my little baby but he has had to find a bit of independence, now Millie has -litterally- taken over our lives. He is no longer the first one to be fed and although he is not happy with this state of affairs, having a baby in the house comes with plenty of perks: Millie shares with him the load of my insatiable appetite for cuddles, hugs and kisses; Me and Jon do get up a good deal earlier which means early breakfast; But perhaps more importantly to Ernie, babies tend to like sharing their food. Here is an example I manage to get photographic evidence of, although Millie was not in the sharing mood... Ernie didn't mind too much, she makes enough crumbs to keep him happy. Although it still puzzles me that a very fussy old cat has suddenly developped a taste for rice cakes...

Can you see now why he is my lazy eye cat?

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